Friday, February 11, 2011

Binky Baby

Elizabeth never had any interest in pacifiers or sucking her thumb.

Suzanne, on the other hand haas been a champion self-soother since day one. She generally sucks on some random number of digits, but lately has taken to her thumb (though I think it's too small to really satisfy)

Because we've been talking about it, and because we are all sick (Barb and I have minor colds; the girls have a GI flu), we indulged the girl and got her a binky.

She took to it right away (as with the bottle), but then it fell out. Barb put it back in, and again she seemed pleased and soothed by its presence. This could, however, turn into a huge nightmare down the road. Parents giveth the binky, but eventually parents must also taketh binky away.

1 comment:

  1. O.k., I could go either way with my advice on the binky. However, if Suzanne is up for it. I want a photo with her Xmas gift pacifier.
    P.S. We'll be at the zoo Fri. Morning, if your up for a field trip.


Last Gasp of Summer

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