This was the day of the hike. Barb had earlier in the week picked out a nice and easy, flat, half-mile hike to a nearby lake. But after the rainstorm, the hike turned into a flooded adventure. Naturally, I fell into the water while trying to traverse a puddle with Elizabeth in my arms. She remained dry; my shoes and socks got soaked.
Thereafter, some of the wiser hikers (viz., Elizabeth, Scott, and Barb) chose to go shoeless so they could just slop right through the puddles. I slopped right through the puddles in my shoes and socks, because why not? They couldn't get wetter, and weren't going to get drier. Elizabeth and I called this "mud-boggin'" and sang a song about it as we hiked.
On the way back from the wet, buggy, fun hike, the girls in my car decided to stop at the Indian Lake Museum. Despite Mark's concerns, we were not all butchered for BBQ meat by the owners. In fact, they were very nice and had an interesting, eclectic collection of relics of days gone by.
Travis signing the party in. If we were to get lost on the half mile hike, this log would help the rescuers find us. |
Barb and Suzanne on the bridge over the raging waters. |
Mud-boggin'!! |
The Larrison girls taking a breather near the overflowing creek. |
On the way into this hike, Mark and Travis expanded this footbridge from one plank to what you see here. Most helpful, especially to klutzes like myself. The small creek was nearly waist-deep in the center. |
Elizabeth and Travis after the hike. Checking for ticks, maybe? |
Nothing creepy about the Indian Lake Museum. Nothing creepy at all. |
Suzanne: say hello to Suzanne.
Elizabeth and McKenna playing in the postmaster's booth. |
Suzanne and McKenna outside the museum. They hung out a lot together on this trip, and became friends. |
Josh and Travis were very gentlemanly, helping Elizabeth over the rough spots in the trail. |
A tree in the floodwaters. |
McKenna checking out her iPod around the campfire. This was the first year where nearly everyone had a smart-object of some kind. Mark, Barb, and Scott were the only campers who didn't have smarthings. There was a healthy cell signal at the house, and wi-fi, which drew a strong contrast with Bette's Place, where we were cut off from the internet. |
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