We couldn't have asked for smoother travel from Portland to Albany. The girls were well behaved, the planes were pretty much on time, and we arrived safe, sane and sound.
The house we rented is great, except it doesn't provide quite the easy access to water we got used to at Bette's Place. There's a short but steep walk to the dock; but you can't really fish off the dock because of the vegetation. Then it's a considerably longer walk off the property to get to the beach.
But the beach is nice.
Everyone is getting along great, with the possible exception of Elizabeth and McKenna. They're fine -- not fighting, or anything -- but Elizabeth wants nothing more than to play with McKenna every minute of the day. McKenna, 11, is not as enthusiastic about having a five year old tag-along.
Suzanne scratching Joshua's back. Now that's luxury! |
Barb and Elizabeth cuddling, very late at night. The girls stayed up crazy late on Saturday night, due to a mixture of time zone change and excitement. Suzanne had an epic meltdown, but oh well. |
All the girls, save Aunt Mary, hanging out. |
No, Barb didn't catch a fish. She was the first one to venture into the water, in order to free McKenna's snagged fishing line. |
Uncle Mark brought his tackle box, and the girls put it to immediate use. |
Running back home from the dock. Either the girls will get in shape hiking this distance multiple times a day, or Mom and Dad will, carrying them. |
Suzanne dipping her toes, with Elizabeth's fishing pole in the fore. |
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