Here is a fine picture of Elizabeth at Grandma's, hair blowing in the wind of the fan. Good job, phone-cam!
Both girls love going to Grandma Sherry's, despite potentially injurious Baby Kitty and stinky cigarette residue (but not smoke; as a rule, Grandma doesn't smoke around the girls).
Things the girls love about Grandma's include: the spinny chair; Grandma; Baby Kitty; movies (Elizabeth); Baby Kitty's food (Suzanne); the writing desk by the window; the old toy chest full of blankets; the myriad throw-pillows; the "camp site" (under the desk); Baby's numerous toys; and, of course, the elevator.

Both girls love going to Grandma Sherry's, despite potentially injurious Baby Kitty and stinky cigarette residue (but not smoke; as a rule, Grandma doesn't smoke around the girls).
Things the girls love about Grandma's include: the spinny chair; Grandma; Baby Kitty; movies (Elizabeth); Baby Kitty's food (Suzanne); the writing desk by the window; the old toy chest full of blankets; the myriad throw-pillows; the "camp site" (under the desk); Baby's numerous toys; and, of course, the elevator.
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