Lily got her ears pierced on Saturday, and so naturally that greatly increased Elizabeth's interest in getting pierced. Suzanne's friend, Ani, had also gotten her ears pierced recently, so she was interested, as well.
Today, we went to a tattoo parlor / piercing shop. Elizabeth was equal parts excited and apprehensive, so Suzanne went first. She was as stoic as a Hollywood Indian as the heavily tattooed and pierced guy shoved a needle through each ear lobe, then inserted a stainless steel barbell.
Elizabeth nervously climbed onto the table (the same kind you would see in a doctor's office). She handled the piercing well, giving me a pained look but no cry, no tears.
Then, as the guy explained how to care for the new piercings, CRASH! I turned around and saw Elizabeth laid out on the floor like a felled tree. She had fainted.
Barb saw the whole thing: Elizabeth fell against a full length mirror, bounced off and hit the door, then landed on the floor. She was very upset and hurt, naturally. As of bed time, she still has a good sized lump on her head.
And Elizabeth's final word on the subject? "I will never let my kids get their ears pierced."
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