Today the weather went from perfect -- low 80s, low humidity, plenty of sunshine -- to imperfect -- gray, chilly, windy, intermittent showers. (Sure wish I'd brought more to wear on my feet than sandals; but that's another story.) The bright spot of sunshine in our otherwise dreary day was the arrival of Uncle David and Aunt Joyce. They showed up around 3:00 pm and stayed through dinner and desert, so we had an ample amount of time to catch up. I don't believe I've seen my father's brother and sister-in-law in thirteen years. What a joy it was to catch up!
David had a lot of stories to tell and was eager to listen to all of our stories. Joyce was very interested in getting to know the kids (Connor, McKenna, Elizabeth, and Suzanne) in the short time she had. She did a fantastic job -- when she left, both Suzanne and Elizabeth gave her a big hug.
Scott barbecued up a mess of chicken, and the ladies put together a fantastic array of salad, corn on the cob, and salt potatoes, replete with a gravy boat full of melted butter. It was awesome.
For desert: Aunt Joyce's home made chocolate chip cookies.
After David and Joyce left we had a spirited game of Scrabble. Some campers went to bed, some stayed up; a fire was started in the downstairs fireplace, but abandoned after the room filled with smoke; there was some nice conversing on the back patio -- many mice were observed, scurrying about; a tiny frog tried to get into the house, apparently on a suicide mission.
Eventually, everyone was asleep except one camper, typing on his laptop.
We induced Frank to take this picture. He did his best with an unfamiliar camera, and all in all I think it turned out OK. |
Joyce and David, having just completed their chore of shucking corn. Suzanne is still working on it. |