Two weekends ago, the Explorers Club explored the brand-spanking-new Portland Aquarium. It's pretty cool (as you'll see below), but it's no Oregon Aquarium (in Newport, OR). It's in a former restaurant (a Chili's or something), and two of the big exhibits (otters and puffins) are still under construction and unpopulated. But what they had was great. I thought the moray eel was fake, it looked so awesome sticking its green head out of the Buddha head.
It's one of those aquariums where you can touch a lot of stuff -- sea stars (as starfish are now called), a surely confused lobster (I imagined it thinking to itself, like a German U-boat commander, "Dive! Dive!" but there was no depths into which it could plunge), and rays or skates. In the ray/skate, there was a baby hammerhead shark, and a small sign saying, "Do not touch the Hammerhead."
In addition to the marine life, there is a very cool climbing structure and a makeshift aviary where you can play with lorrakeets, whatever those are.
It was a bit overpriced, but we liked it, and will be back.
Green Moray Eel |
Humongous hermit crab. |
Albino boa. |
Jellyfish. |
Mommy and Suzanne flirt with the skates. |
The Lorrakeet liked Elizabeth; and the feeling was mutual. |
Barb was a bit suspicious of the fowl. |
Suzanne likes sea stars. |
Suzanne was assimilated all too quickly into the Lorrakeet culture. |
Okay, I'm pretty sure she's a turtle, not a Lorrakeet. In any event, she's playing tug-of-war with my sweatshirt hood pull. And being supercute. |