Later we got in the car for a trip to Port Jeff and she passed out almost instantly. I kept poking her to make sure she was just sleeping and not in a coma.
After a brief time at home, we went out with Grandpa to a bevereage store to get a growler filled with local brew (Bluepoint Ryestafarian -- pretty good; very bold for a Long Island micro; "over the top," as desribed [correctly] by the salesman). We also picked up a sixpack of Sierra Nevada Torpedo (a taste of the West Coast -- ahhh!) and something called Porkslap Pale Ale from some town upstate that I've never heard of. It's OK, especially for beer from a can.

In any event, the beer has proven a godsend today given all of the shouting amongst the Braccos. They like to shout. Long ago I accepted the fact that they enjoy this form of communication, which, to my upstate sensitivities, sounds like hostility. It's not. It's love. But it sounds weird.